It's been a whirlwind past month, to say the least. So many updates, including the fact that we leave for Phase Two in a couple of weeks! But before we get to that....
An enormous thank you to everyone who continues to support us. In particular, we want to recognize the generous contributions of the Gibsons Legion and the Victoria Chinatown Lioness Club - both donated $3K each. Special thanks to the Kelowna Ukrainian Catholic Church, which donated a whopping $20,000 to cover the cost of another ambulance. Finally, the communities of Quadra Island and Campbell River together raised $27,000 - the single largest contribution to the cause so far! Simply stunning.
Taken together with countless generous individuals, we have officially surpassed $200K - a tenfold increase on our original target. Check out our new Donors Page to see and send gratitude to our milestone contributors.
Meanwhile, we have been steadily working on ways to support Ukraine.
We recently partnered with Discovery Coffee in Victoria to send nearly $1000 of coffee to a Ukrainian barista and volunteer named Roman, who is helping out at the Centrum Pomocy Humanitarnej w Szegini. Check out the Discovery Coffee Instagram post here:
We also purchased two large outdoor tents and two air conditioners for that same group, since summer is coming and their humanitarian operations are ongoing. Check out their Facebook post about it here:
And of course, we wouldn't be true to our name if we weren't looking at the next ways to support paramedics on the front-lines. After a ton of back and forth about the pros and cons of armored ambulances, the final decision was made to focus on 4x4 ambulances and rapid extrication vehicles instead (very long story short!). We'll have a big update next week about this, so stay tuned!
Thanks for reading, and for your ongoing support!
PS - did you know that you and your friends can now get a tax receipt for new donations?? Thanks to Canadian Medical Assistance Teams, you can! If you know somebody who wants to contribute, send them this link